A new fire and smoke alarm legislation is coming into place throughout Scotland. This new legislation should be met by all homeowners and landlords by February 2022. The new law is being brought in by the Scottish Government to ensure everyone has the same amount of protecction throughout their household whether it is rented or privately owned.
What does this new legislation mean for you?
The new legislation means you must ensure your property has the correct fire coverage throughout it. As a homeowner and/or landlord you must ensure there are smoke alarms fitted throughout the house in all hallways, landings and any general daily living areas. There should be a heat alarm fitted in every kitchen in the household. All of the detectors should be installed onto the ceiling in each of these areas. The detectors (both smoke & heat) should be connected throughout the home, this way if a fire occurs in one area of the house the alarm will sound at all detector points. This should ensure you are alerted of a fire inside the house before it is too late. If you live in a block of flats the alarm only needs to be linked throughout your home, it does not need to be linked with other tenants or stairwells.
As well as having smoke and heat alarms, carbon monoxide detectors should be fitted onto the ceilings of rooms that contain any household equipment that use fuel (these are likely to be boilers, fires, heaters & stoves). As well as this equipment if there is a flue within the house a carbon monoxide detector should be fitted here as well. This should give you sufficient coverage in the event of a carbon monoxide leak throughout your home.
Who is responsible for making your household compliant?
Ultimately the responsibility to ensure your home is compliant with the new legislation falls into the hands of the property owner. However, if you live in privately rented accommodation your landlord should have already met these to ensure compliance with regulations already in place. The cost of the alarm should be met by the owner of the property.
What do you need to do?
If your home does not already meet the new standards you will need to 'upgrade' or install a new fire alarm. There are two kinds of fire and smoke alarm that will meet the new legislations, these are either a mains-wired alarm or a tamper proof long-life lithium battery alarm. If you choose to go for a mains-wired alarm, you will have to get a qualified installer to fit the alarm. However, if you choose a tamper proof long-life lithium battery alarm it can be fitted by yourself provided that you are comfortable with this.
If Eclipse (IP) can assist with either of these options or assist in helping you decide what the right option for you is please click here to contact us.
For further information please refer to: https://www.gov.scot/publications/fire-and-smoke-alarms-in-scottish-homes/
Scottish Government (2020). Fire and smoke alarms: changes to the law - gov.scot . [online] www.gov.scot. Available at https://www.gov.scot/publications/fire-and-smoke-alarms-in-scottish-homes/ [Accessed 16 Jun. 2021]